156 research outputs found

    Depth-Optimized Reversible Circuit Synthesis

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    In this paper, simultaneous reduction of circuit depth and synthesis cost of reversible circuits in quantum technologies with limited interaction is addressed. We developed a cycle-based synthesis algorithm which uses negative controls and limited distance between gate lines. To improve circuit depth, a new parallel structure is introduced in which before synthesis a set of disjoint cycles are extracted from the input specification and distributed into some subsets. The cycles of each subset are synthesized independently on different sets of ancillae. Accordingly, each disjoint set can be synthesized by different synthesis methods. Our analysis shows that the best worst-case synthesis cost of reversible circuits in the linear nearest neighbor architecture is improved by the proposed approach. Our experimental results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed approach to reduce cost and circuit depth for several benchmarks.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables; Quantum Information Processing (QINP) journal, 201

    Algebraic Characterization of CNOT-Based Quantum Circuits with its Applications on Logic Synthesis

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    The exponential speed up of quantum algorithms and the fundamental limits of current CMOS process for future design technology have directed attentions toward quantum circuits. In this paper, the matrix specification of a broad category of quantum circuits, i.e. CNOT-based circuits, are investigated. We prove that the matrix elements of CNOT-based circuits can only be zeros or ones. In addition, the columns or rows of such a matrix have exactly one element with the value of 1. Furthermore, we show that these specifications can be used to synthesize CNOT-based quantum circuits. In other words, a new scheme is introduced to convert the matrix representation into its SOP equivalent using a novel quantum-based Karnaugh map extension. We then apply a search-based method to transform the obtained SOP into a CNOT-based circuit. Experimental results prove the correctness of the proposed concept.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figures, 10Th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, Architectures, Methods and Tools, Germany, 200